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Image depicting Nico Lavallée and his Rudolph the red nose Bambi

Nico Lavallée and his Rudolph the red nose Bambi


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Humanity does care about a stuffed Bambi

We at Curious Times love sharing stories about animals helping humanity, animals teaching their kids, and animal selfies leading to the discovery of a whole new species. How cool are animals? Me thinks the coolest! Here’s another story of a cute little boy “Nico Lavallée”, who lives in a quiet town in Canada. We know kids love maple syrup, pancakes and national parks. Well, Canada is famous for all.

Little Nico Lavallée and his family

Little Nico lives with his siblings Santiago and Sebastian and his mother Brenda. One day, while taking a curious walk with his siblings and mom, his siblings decided to have a little fun. Kids love to have fun, right! They threw his stuffed Bambi toy across a frozen canal. Sadly, the three of them could not retrieve the stuffed toy as it was thrown far away. Walking on a frozen canal is risky and dangerous.

Brilliant Idea

During the lockdown, Nico’s brother had a brilliant idea.  He decided to use social media to ask for help in finding Rudolph (the stuffed Bambi toy). As luck would have it and even Santa couldn’t say “No” to Nico’s wish. The staff who take care of the frozen canal found Rudolph. The joy on Nico, his brothers and his mother are to be seen to be believed.


We love the happy ending at Curious Times and hope that Rudolph’s nose keeps shining and Nico keeps smiling.

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