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Image depicting Eyeball Magic in Crypto!

Crypto-Eye: Scanning Fun!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, inquisitive soul! We’ve got a super interesting story for you! So, guess what? There’s this cool project that just started, and it’s all about giving people special money called “cryptocurrency” if they let a machine scan their eyeballs! Isn’t that silly and cool at the same time?

Eyeball Magic in Crypto!

  • Here’s how it works: a super smart person named Sam Altman is in charge of this project. He created a clever machine called “chapter GPT” that can help tell if someone is a human like you and me or if they’re a robot! To prove you’re a human and not a robot, you just need to go to these special scanners called “silver orbs” in different cities around the world. Fun, right?
  • Now, guess what? Lots of people really like this idea, and more than 2 million people have already said they want to try it!  That’s a whole bunch of folks! And you know what? They’ll get 40 pounds worth of a brand new digital money called “World coin” if they do it! Wow!
  • But wait, there’s more! You know, this whole thing isn’t just about getting money. It’s also about showing that you’re a real person when you’re online. See, sometimes, some computers can pretend to be humans and chat with us. That can be confusing, right? So, Sam Altman wants to make sure we can easily tell who’s a person and who’s a computer. Smart thinking, huh?
  • Oh, here’s a little secret. Shh! Some smart people who know about this stuff are saying both good and not-so-good things about the project. Some folks think it’s a bit like a wild adventure, and others think it’s a little strange and maybe not so great. But that’s okay! Sam Altman says he’s okay with people disagreeing, and he’s brave enough to try this cool project anyway!
  • Now, some people are worried that their special eye scans might be used for not-so-good things. You know, like keeping too much information about us. But Sam Altman’s team says they’ll keep everything safe and delete it right away. So, we just have to trust them and hope for the best!
  • In the end, this is a big experiment, and nobody knows exactly what will happen. But it’s exciting to see so many people interested, and who knows, maybe this project will help make the internet a friendlier and safer place for all of us!
  • Well, that’s the curious story of the “cryptocurrency eyeball scan” project! We hope you had fun listening, and remember, it’s always great to learn about new and wacky things happening in the world!

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