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Image depicting Longevity secrets from a 115-year-old woman!

Longevity secrets from a 115-year-old woman!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The oldest living person in the world shares the secrets to her long existence. At the age of 115 Maria Branyas Morera is officially recognised as the oldest living person.

Guinness World Records (GWR) published a post on Instagram making an official announcement.

What are Guinness World Records (GWR)?

The Guinness World Records is an organisation that honours both the achievements of humans and the extremes of the natural world.

Key facts!

  • Maria Branyas Morera was born in the United States in March 1907.
  • She currently lives in Spain.
  • As of the 21st of January 2023, Mrs Morera has lived 115 years and 323 days.
  • Her parents immigrated to the United States in the year 1906.
  • They made the decision to move back to Spain eight years later to make their home.
  • Maria has spent the last 22 years living in the same nursing facility.
  • She states a good relationship with family and friends is one of the reasons for long life.
  • In addition, this has given her the emotional stability to deal with the challenges in life.
  • Furthermore, she believes she has no regrets and lots of positivity.
  • She claims to stay away from people who are negative.
  • Above all, she believes that having good luck is also a factor in living a long life.
  • The GWR Instagram post on Maria has received over twenty thousand likes.
  • Some people’s opinions stated, “She appears to be quite healthy, and we believe that she can live for more than 20 years.”

So, what’s in the 2023 edition of Guinness World Records?

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