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Pakistan’s first digital census!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, curious readers! Guess what? Pakistan is doing something super cool—it’s conducting its first-ever census using digital methods. Can you believe it?

The census is being done by a department called the Department of Statistics. They want to know all about the population and the houses in Pakistan.

Important Details

  • The Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, said that this census will help them plan for the future. You know, like when you’re playing a game, and you need to make a plan to win? Well, Pakistan needs a plan too, but for real-life things like schools, hospitals, and roads. So, this census will help them know how many people there are and how many houses they have. Pretty important stuff, huh?
  • And guess what? The census will also help the government use their resources in a smart way before the elections this year. They want to make sure they’re using everything efficiently. That’s like when you have a bag of candies, and you want to make sure everyone gets their fair share, right?
  • Now, let me tell you some funny and interesting facts about this census. The first one is that all the buildings in Pakistan will be “geo-tagged.” That’s a fancy way of saying they’ll put a special tag on each building with its exact location. Maybe they’ll use giant stickers or something!
  • Oh, and do you know who’s going to do all the counting? It’s the “enumerators.” They are people who get paid to go from house to house and count everyone. It’s like a big counting adventure! Maybe they’ll wear funny hats or carry a magnifying glass. Who knows?
  • Here’s another cool thing. Instead of just going door to door, people can also give their information online. Yep, that means you can use your computer or even your mom’s phone to register your family. They’ll give you a special password, and once you’re confirmed, you can fill out an online form. It’s like taking a quiz but with really important questions!
  • After you finish, they’ll send you a unique number. It’s like a secret code! Keep it safe because when the census workers come to your house, you’ll have to show them the number to prove it’s really you. It’s like having a secret handshake, but with numbers.
  • The census will start on March 15 and will include all the provinces in Pakistan. And guess what? After it’s done, they’ll share all the results with the public. That means everyone will get to know how many people there are and how many houses they counted. It’s like having a big reveal party, but instead of balloons, they’ll have numbers!
  • So, curious readers, Pakistan is doing something really important and funny at the same time. They want to know all about their population and houses using digital methods. It’s like a big adventure of counting and planning for the future. Who knew a census could be so cool?

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Watch a video

On YouTube, Statistics South Africa provides an explanation of the fundamental concept of a census.

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