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Penguins go to school at the San Francisco Zoo


Recommended for Foundational Grades

We are sure you love going to school. But do you know that penguins go to school too? Let’s read more.

Recently, six Magellanic penguins finished “studying” at “fish school” in San Francisco Zoo in the US.

At this school, baby penguins are taught how to swim, eat whole fish and interact with their caretakers. When penguins are born at the Zoo, they live with their parents for a while. After that the penguins go to school, which means they are sent to fish school.

Every year, this “schooling” ends with the Zoo’s famous March of the Penguins. This is when the penguins who have finished their schooling march to the Zoo’s Penguin Island, where other adult penguins live.

Generally, the March of the Penguins is one of the San Francisco Zoo’s most popular events. However, due to the COVID-19 situation this year, there were only a few invited guests.

There was also a naming contest held recently for the penguins by Zoo members and the public. Two names, “Talented Mr. Slippery” and “Rookie”, were chosen for two male penguins.

With the addition of the 6 new penguins, the total number of Magellanic penguins at the Zoo is now 56.

The Magellanic penguin is named for the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. It is found mainly in Argentina, Chile, and the Falkland Islands in South America.

Here is a video of the 6 penguins:

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