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image depicting Petrol and diesel prices

Petrol and diesel prices decrease


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Greetings, hungry thinker! Today, we’re going to have a super fun and exciting adventure into the world of fuel prices – that’s the stuff that makes cars go vroom-vroom and trucks rumble down the road. So, hold onto your seats (or beanbags), because we’re about to dive into a story about petrol and diesel prices and how they’ve changed!

Imagine this: a long time ago, people figured out that they needed to pay a special kind of tax on things that were made right inside their country. And guess what? One of those things was fuel – the juice that makes vehicles zoom around. This special tax is called “excise duty.”

But, guess what happened recently? The super-smart Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman decided to cut down this tax for petrol and diesel. That’s like giving you an extra cookie during snack time!

Duty Drop: Fuel Falls!

  • Now, you know that Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Lucknow, and Chennai are all big, colorful cities where lots of people live. Well, in these cities, the prices of petrol and diesel went down because of that tax cut. It’s like if you had to pay less for your favorite candy – how awesome would that be?
  • You see, there are these big companies that deal with the fuel stuff – Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BCPL), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL). These companies are like the wizards of fuel prices. They look at prices from all around the world and even check what other countries’ money looks like. Then, they decide if the fuel prices should go up or down, just like deciding if you should wear your superhero cape or your ninja headband.
  • After the wizards of fuel prices decided to lower the tax, the magic happened in different parts of the country. In Delhi, the petrol price became 96.72 rupees per liter, and diesel became 89.62 rupees per liter. Mumbai, the city of big dreams, got cheaper fuel too – petrol for 111.35 rupees and diesel for 97.28 rupees per liter. Even in places like Kerala and Rajasthan, the fuel prices got a makeover. It’s like everyone got a ticket to a price-drop party!
  • And that’s not all, little explorers! Fuel prices are like a roller coaster – sometimes they go up, and sometimes they go down. So, it’s like having a surprise ride every day! Imagine waking up and saying, “Oh, today the fuel price is a little lower, time for a happy dance!” Remember, whenever you see a car or a bus zooming by, you can think about how its fuel might be on a cool adventure of its own.
  • So, my awesome friends, that’s the cool and crazy story of how fuel prices danced their way down, making everyone smile a little wider. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments – do you like low fuel prices? Keep being curious and exploring the world around you!

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