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Queen Bee Cab Service started in Australia


Recommended for Preparatory Grades


The beehives cannot survive without their queen.

What is beehive?

Beehive is a dome-shaped or boxlike structure in which bees are kept.

Recently, the delayed postal services during the COVID-19 pandemic and heat have led to many monarchs dying on the way to their hives. Swift action is taken due to this tragedy.

Queen Bee Cab Services

The owner of the company, Australian B Honey. Bega Cheese paid $826 for a private taxi. This taxi will cover a distance to make a four and a half hour trip to ensure queen bees were delivered to their hives safely. This cab service is called Queen bee Chariot.

Queen Bee Chariot is run by Silver Top Taxis in Victoria. It started in February and has supported queen bees. The Queen Bee Cab Service has safely transported more than 10 queen bees to their new hives from Glenrowan to Traralgon.

There is only a certain period of time for putting the queen bees in the case with food and worker bees attend to the queen. Transportation of bees should be done within four days.

The survival of bees depends upon temperature, the quantity of food left and the surviving attendant bees. If the food gets finished or attendant bees die, the queen bee won’t be able to survive.

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