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Smiling Rainbows – Upside down!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Upside down or smiling rainbows!

When you talk about rainbows, the picture that comes to mind is of a beautiful decorative arc of bright colours that bends toward the sky. But in a recent image, a rainbow is turned around — making it appear like it is smiling! Magical as it sounds, the reason for the stunning phenomenon, is rooted in science.

How is a Rainbow Formed?

White light is made up of seven colours: Violet (indigo), blue (blue), green (green), yellow (yellow), orange, and red.

In the air, white light moves quickly, but when it comes into contact with something thick, like glass or water, it slows down. This makes the light change direction or bend. Because the parts have different wavelengths, they bend or reflect, at different speeds.  This makes the white light exit the medium in each of its colours.

Rainbows happen when the sun’s white light meets raindrops and bends into the beautiful bright colour bands we are used to seeing.

Rare and Amazing Rainbows!

We’ve all seen rainbows before, but these ones are like nothing other. Here are the most uncommon and beautiful rainbows ever observed.

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