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Image depicting Revolutionary bricks pave the way for renewables!

Revolutionary bricks pave the way for renewables!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Have you ever heard of a giant battery made of bricks? Well, that’s exactly what a company called Energy Vault has created. These are huge bricks that weigh 24 tons each.

Further, they are stacked together to make a tower that can store renewable energy like solar or wind power.

Important Details

  • The tower works by lifting the bricks up when there is extra energy, which creates potential energy.
  • When more energy is needed, the bricks are lowered down, which releases the stored energy.
  • Thus, this process can be repeated as many times as needed, making it a great way to store and use renewable energy.
  • Energy Vault’s tower can store enough energy to power a small city for several hours.
  • The bricks is made of entirely recyclable materials, so it’s good for the environment too.
  • The company plans to build these towers all over the world.
  • Importantly, the company aspires to help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and move towards a cleaner, greener future.
  • This new technology is exciting because it could make renewable energy more reliable and accessible.
  • Innovative solutions like Energy Vault’s tower could play a big role in helping us achieve a sustainable future.

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