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Rudyard Kipling: Just So Stories Revisited


Recommended for Literature

Rudyard Kipling, a master storyteller renowned for his captivating fables and moral-laden tales, weaves a whimsical narrative in “How the Camel Got His Hump.” This beloved children’s story, extracted from his collection of “Just So Stories,” paints a vivid picture of a lazy camel and the consequences of his indolence.

In this enchanting world where animals converse like humans, the camel is depicted as an idle creature, refusing to lift a finger to help anyone. His constant grumbling and aversion to work exasperate the Djinn of All Deserts, a powerful being who governs the land.

Who is Rudyard Kipling?

Rudyard Kipling was a famous author who wrote many stories for children and adults. He is known for his imaginative stories and his ability to transport readers to different worlds.

What is a Djinn?

A Djinn is a magical creature often found in stories from the Middle East and Asia. They are said to have great powers and can grant wishes or cause mischief.

Why did the camel get a hump?

The camel got a hump because he was very lazy and refused to work. The Djinn of All Deserts gave him the hump as a punishment.

The Lazy Camel’s Lament

“Humph,” grumbled the Camel, as he lay sprawled in the middle of the Howling Desert. He had no desire to work, preferring instead to munch on thorns and thistles. “Why should I bother?” he thought. “Let the others do the work. I’m perfectly content doing nothing.”

The Camel’s laziness was legendary. He would not fetch, he would not carry, he would not even help his fellow animals gather food. “Humph,” was his constant refrain, a word that echoed his disdain for anything resembling effort.

The other animals, tired of the Camel’s indolence, appealed to the Djinn of All Deserts. “This Camel,” they complained, “is a burden on all of us. He does no work, yet he eats as much as the rest of us combined.”

The Djinn, a wise and powerful being, listened patiently. “I shall speak to the Camel,” he said. “Perhaps he simply needs a bit of encouragement.”

The Djinn’s Magical Intervention

The Djinn approached the Camel, who was still lying in the sand, chewing on a particularly prickly thorn. “Camel,” said the Djinn, “I have heard that you are not pulling your weight. Why is this so?”

“Humph,” replied the Camel, not even bothering to look up. “I see no reason to work. It’s far too much effort.”

The Djinn was not amused. “Every creature has a role to play,” he said. “Your laziness is a burden to others. If you do not mend your ways, there will be consequences.”

The Camel merely grunted in response.

“Very well,” said the Djinn. “Since you refuse to work, I shall give you a burden to bear.” And with a wave of his hand, a large hump appeared on the Camel’s back.

The Camel was startled, to say the least. He tried to shake off the hump, but it wouldn’t budge. “What have you done to me?” he cried.

“I have given you a hump,” said the Djinn. “This hump will allow you to work for three days without eating or drinking. It is a consequence of your laziness.”

The Camel’s Redemption

The Camel, now burdened with his hump, had no choice but to work. He carried loads, fetched water, and even helped to build shelters. As the days passed, he realized that work wasn’t so bad after all. In fact, he began to enjoy it. He felt a sense of pride in his accomplishments, and he even started to make friends with the other animals.

After three days, the Camel returned to the Djinn. “I have learned my lesson,” he said. “I now understand the importance of hard work. Please, will you remove this hump?”

The Djinn smiled. “I am glad to hear that you have seen the error of your ways. However, the hump will remain as a reminder of your past laziness. But fear not, it will not hinder you. In fact, it will allow you to work even harder, as you will no longer need to stop for food or water as often.”

The Camel thanked the Djinn and returned to his work, a changed creature. He was no longer lazy and grumpy, but rather, hardworking and cheerful. And so, the camel learned a valuable lesson about the importance of hard work and the consequences of laziness.

The Timeless Wisdom of “How the Camel Got His Hump”

Rudyard Kipling’s “How the Camel Got His Hump” is a timeless tale that resonates with both children and adults. Through its simple yet powerful narrative, it imparts valuable lessons about the importance of hard work, the dangers of laziness, and the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions.

The story’s use of magical realism, with the Djinn as a supernatural figure who enacts consequences for the Camel’s behavior, adds an element of wonder and intrigue. The story’s ending, where the Camel learns his lesson and becomes a productive member of society, offers a hopeful message of redemption and change.

Kipling’s masterful storytelling, combined with the story’s timeless themes, makes “How the Camel Got His Hump” a classic that continues to entertain and educate readers of all ages.

A Final Note: The Camel’s Hump as a Symbol

The camel’s hump, initially a symbol of laziness, transforms into a badge of honor. It represents the Camel’s newfound work ethic and resilience. The hump serves as a constant reminder of his past mistakes and a motivator to continue on his path of productivity.

In this way, the story encourages us to embrace our flaws and learn from our mistakes. It reminds us that even the most indolent among us can change and that hard work can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

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