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Russia Ukraine crisis: Indian Evacuation update!


Recommended for Evacuation

It has been 13 days since the Russia Ukraine Crisis happened on 28th February 2022. The businesses are affected due to the Crisis. Ukraine President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that he is no longer willing to get NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) membership for Ukraine.

What is operation Ganga?

Operation Ganga is an operation started by the Government of India to provide humanitarian assistance to the Indian citizens amidst 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

India Evacuation update

  • India has been trying hard to take out the Indian students who are stuck in Ukraine. The Indian embassy in Ukraine has issued an advisory for all the Indian people in Ukraine and neighbouring cities.
  • The Indian embassy requested the people to make use of safety corridors to reach a safe place. From that safe place, the people would be able to travel by train or any other means of transport.

700 Indian students evacuated

  • India is successful in evacuating 700 students trapped in Sumy, Ukraine. They moved out of the city of Sumy through a safety corridor. The Indian students are taken to Poltava from where the students boarded trains to Western Ukraine. Flights under Operation Ganga will bring the students back home.
  • India has sent 7 segments of humanitarian supplies to Ukraine and the neighbouring countries. These segments include medicines, medical equipment, tents, water storage tanks, solar lamps and other materials to help the people stuck in the city of Ukraine.
  • The Indian embassy has also saved other students from Pakistan and Bangladesh and other countries as well. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina thanked Shri Narendra Modi for bringing back 9 Bangladesh students out of Ukraine.   The students were evacuated to safer places by the Indian embassy and soonish, they will be sent to their respective families.

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