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Image depicting Operation Kaveri: India's Sudan rescue mission

Operation Kaveri: India’s Sudan rescue mission!


Recommended for Evacuation

In a time of great distress and turmoil, India has taken a compassionate stand to bring back its citizens stranded in Sudan. The government has launched “Operation Kaveri,” deploying ships and aircraft to evacuate Indians who are facing the devastating consequences of ongoing warfare and violence between two generals.

The situation in Sudan has brought about heart-wrenching consequences, with news reports indicating that more than 400 innocent civilians have lost their lives and thousands have been left injured. The impact of the conflict has caused a severe shortage of essential resources such as food, water, and medicine. Furthermore, tens of thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes, seeking safety elsewhere.

Important Details

  • Amidst this distressing scenario, around 4,000 Indians find themselves living in Sudan, hoping for a way out of the conflict zones. In their plea for help, they have turned to the Indian government, seeking evacuation for themselves and their loved ones. To assist in this mission, the Indian Embassy in Khartoum has established a dedicated telephone line, providing crucial information to Indians in Sudan regarding the evacuation process.

  • Efforts to bring the stranded citizens home have already commenced, with some Indian nationals successfully evacuated to Port Sudan. The evacuation operations are expected to continue, ensuring the safety and well-being of as many Indians as possible.

  • The launch of “Operation Kaveri” serves as a powerful reminder of the significance of international cooperation and diplomacy during times of crisis. Countries joining hands and working together exemplify the values of empathy and humanity, striving to protect and secure the lives of their citizens.

  • In this hour of need, India stands as a shining example of compassion and solidarity. As “Operation Kaveri” unfolds, the hope for a brighter future for the stranded Indians in Sudan grows stronger, highlighting the importance of collective efforts to provide safety and solace in times of great adversity.

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