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Image depicting Russia-Ukraine Update!

Russia-Ukraine Update!


Recommended for Middle Grades

The war between Russia and Ukraine has now been going on for 233 days. In the past month, Ukrainian forces have taken back control of more than 600 settlements.

Russia attacked three drones sent by the Red Cross to help Ukrainian prisoners of war. NATO has said that it will not back away from helping Ukraine because of threats.

The ongoing crisis has caused a huge number of people to migrate to Europe. By the middle of September 2022, the European Union and other countries had heard that up to 5 million Ukrainian refugees were trying to get into their countries.

Key facts – Russia-Ukraine Crisis!

  • People in the southern part of Kherson have started to flee into Russia because the Ukrainians are making progress.
  • A Russian region that shares a border with Ukraine said that it is getting ready to take in refugees from the part of Kherson that is controlled by Russia.
  • The Ukrainian government says that in the past month, the country’s armed forces have taken back more than 600 settlements.
  • This includes 75 in the strategically important Kherson region.
  • Russia sent missiles that hit the Ukrainian port of Mykolaiv.
  • Officials say that the attack on the small town of Makariv, which is west of the capital city of Kyiv, was done with drones made in Iran.
  • NATO has said that it will keep a close eye on a nuclear drill that Russia will be doing soon.
  • Zelenskyy said that the Red Cross wasn’t doing enough to protect the rights of Ukrainian war prisoners.
  • Russia stated that it is worried about an agreement on grain exports from the Black Sea.
  • Putin met with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, to talk about a plan to supply Russian gas through Turkey, making it a new supply hub.

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