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Image depicting Say hello to UAE's new Arabic chatbot!

Say hello to UAE’s new Arabic chatbot!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Howdy, curious one, do you know the United Arab Emirates (UAE)? It’s a cool place with tall buildings, vast deserts, and now, a new super smart talking robot! This robot can talk in Arabic. Imagine your toy robot speaking “أهلا وسهلا” (which means “Hello” in Arabic). That’s exactly what’s happening in UAE. They’ve created a chatting robot called ChatGPT.

Long, long ago (okay, not that long ago), people from all over the world wanted to talk to robots in their own language. In UAE, they speak Arabic. So, some brainy folks from a university with a super long name, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, decided to give it a shot. They wanted to make a robot that can chat in Arabic.

UAE’s Chatty Tech Marvel

  • This isn’t just any chatbot. It can do a LOT of things!
    • Want to send your friend some money? The robot can help!
    • Did you forget to pay the electricity bill while playing with your toys? Ask the robot!
    • Want to buy a new toy online? Yep, the robot is there.
    • Curious about what the weather is like outside? Robot to the rescue!
    • Oh, and if you’re ever confused, you can ask the robot questions in Arabic, and it will tell you where to find more answers.
  • But wait! There’s a tiny secret. At first, only a few people using an app called Botim will get to talk to this robot.
  • People in UAE are very excited because this robot will change the way everyone uses technology. It’s like adding a magical touch to the tech world. Imagine a fairy, but instead of a wand, she has a computer!
  • However, making this robot understand Arabic was a bit tricky. Arabic isn’t as simple as saying “apple” and “banana”. It has fancy grammar rules and many different ways of speaking. It’s like if toys had different ways of playing depending on where they were from!
  • So, in the end, we have the UAE, a place of magic, desert, and now, a super cool Arabic speaking robot. People there are always thinking about how to make things better, and this chatbot is just the start. They plan to teach it even more fun tricks! And remember, next time you chat with a robot, it might just be the cousin of this special UAE robot!

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