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Scientists spot real life SpongeBob and Patrick Star


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Do you like the cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants? This cartoon is about a yellow sea sponge named Sponge Bob who lives in a pineapple under the sea with his pet snail, Gary. His best friend is Patrick Star, a type of sea creature called starfish.

Sea sponges are animals that live at the bottom of the sea. Sea sponges eat tiny plants and animals in the water. They help to keep seawater clean by eating tiny pieces of food that float by.

Scientists recently spotted real-life versions of Sponge Bob and Patrick Star side by side at the bottom of the sea. See them above.

How did they spot them?

They saw the two while exploring the sea with an underwater robot near England. The scientists were amazed at seeing them. Moreover, it is also rare to find bright-yellow sponges so deep inside the water. The official SpongeBob Squarepants Instagram account also shared the photo alongside the cartoon.

However, sadly, in real life, the two are not best friends. This type of starfish eats sea sponges. So, we don’t know what may have happened later.


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