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Singapore reforestation – 1 million trees by 2030


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What is reforestation? It is the replanting of trees. Let us today learn about the plan for Singapore reforestation.

Mangrove trees grow near coastline areas which have a mix of salt and freshwater. They have roots that can be seen openly. Mangrove forests are home to many animals and fishes. They also protect coasts against storms and tsunamis. They trap more carbon dioxide than any other tree.

Singapore once had many mangrove forests. But now, it has lost 90% of the forests. Big buildings have replaced them. This is a great danger to the many birds, animals and fishes and also to humans.

In order to save the mangrove forests and wildlife, the Singapore reforestation plan is to plant 1 million trees by 2030.

As a part of this project, the Singapore government announced the launch of a new park called Sungei Buloh Park Network. This will be a 990-acre park in the northern part of Singapore.

The area is currently a protected reserve. The Park Network will combine other nearby places that also have important wildlife.

Sungei Buloh is the location of a very endangered tree called the Eye of the Crocodile. It has 11 of the world’s last remaining 200 Eye of the Crocodile trees.

It is also home to large monitor lizards, saltwater crocodiles, and smooth-coated otters, which were believed to be extinct till the 1990s.

The government also hopes that through Singapore reforestation and planting the trees will make the city temperatures cooler. 

Here is a video of mangrove forests:

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