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Image depicting SpaceX launches first all-civilian crew to space, Indian Space Association (ISpA)

SpaceX launches first all-civilian crew to space


Recommended for Middle Grades

We read about SpaceX preparing to send the first all-civilian crew to space for 3 days.

On Wednesday (early morning today for India) a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, US. It carried four people in the first all-civilian crew to space, Inspiration 4. Here. “civilian” means people who are not part of any government agency.

After it launched, around 12 minutes later, the Crew Dragon capsule separated from the rocket’s send stage. Meanwhile, the rocket’s reusable first stage came back to Earth.

Inspiration 4

The first all-civilian crew to space has four members. It is led by billionaire and pilot Jared Isaacman who paid for the trip. The other three are Hayley Arceneaux, Chris Sembroski, and Sian Proctor. You can learn more about them here.

The Dragon capsule will go to an altitude of 575 kilometres in space. This is higher than the International Space Station (ISS). They will spend 3 days spinning around Earth and come back after that.

Throughout the mission, they will record data such as heart rate and sleep, to help study the impact of space travel on the body.

The flight is fully automated (controlled by machines). However, SpaceX has trained the crew members on what to do if there is an emergency.

Moreover, for the first time, their Crew Dragon capsule has a cupola. This is a transparent dome that will help them view Earth from space.

Let’s wish the first all-civilian crew to space all the best for an adventurous and safe mission.


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