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Image depicting SpaceX launches world's first 5G satellite!

SpaceX launches world’s first 5G satellite!


Recommended for Middle Grades

SpaceX has launched a new satellite that can connect to the internet through 5G cellular technology. The satellite is named “The GroundBreaker!”

It is the first of many that will be sent into space to improve global mobile connectivity.

Important Details

  • The project aims to fill an 85% gap in global mobile connectivity and enable a global internet of things.
  • Importantly, this could impact the efficiency of hundreds of industries in the process.
  • Sateliot is the name of the company that’s made the satellite.
  • The company has plans to launch a constellation of over 250 satellites.
  • In addition, these satellites can communicate directly with cellphone towers.
  • As a result, this provides faster and efficient data connection.
  • Also, this allows 5G  devices to connect directly to the satellites whenever they need to.
  • The direct connection also promises to be cost effective.

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