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Spending time among trees helps kids’ brains grow


Recommended for Secondary Grades

The benefit of trees and nature

As a child grows, their brain begins to develop as well. The development of the brain begins when the parents start conversing, talking and playing with the child.

When the child grows, the neurons in their brain also begin to grow like branches of a tree. Neurons (also called neurones or nerve cells) are the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system.

A long term study in London states that the children who spend their time amongst the trees or forests show better performance in all aspects of life. Scientists conducted the study among 3568 students. Their ages varied from 9 to 15 years.

Moreover, other studies in the US and Denmark also show the same results. The studies state that the children who live near green spaces have less risk of mental health issues.

The studies claim that green spaces, such as trees, are linked to structural changes in the brain. Children’s brain growth affects their personality and overall growth.


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