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Squid robots that glow could help in future deep sea explorations


Recommended for Middle Grades

We know of robots, but have you heard of squid robots? Well, let’s learn about them.

Scientists have developed a soft robotic squid using inspiration from how a squid moves through the water. These kinds of robots could be used to study undersea life without disturbing or damaging the environment.

The squid robots or “squid bot” is made from a soft plastic material. It also has flexible ribs along its sides, which are attached to a circular plate at each end. A waterproof camera or sensor is attached to one of the plates. The camera can take high definition underwater photos. Its tentacle or arms can light up.

One of the challenges of developing the soft squid robots is its speed. So, in this case, scientists tried to copy how real squids move. Squids swim the fastest among all invertebrates (animals without a bony skeleton).

Squids and similar animals use jet propulsion to move. This means they can rocket in any direction by taking water inside and then ejecting it. They can also use this to change directions as well as adjust the force. The robot has been designed to move in a similar way, making it faster than other similar soft robots.

The scientists that created this “squid bot” have also previously another soft robot similar to a glowing eel.

See the squid bot below:

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