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Statue of Equality – Second largest in the world


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Statue of Equality – Second largest in the world

Our honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will inaugurate the “Statue of Equality”. The statue is believed to be the second-largest statue in the world. It is more than 200 feet tall. The statue is of our 11th-century beloved saint “Ramanujacharya”.  Sitting with folded hands, the statue represents “Equality”.

Ramanujacharya is believed to have written many influential texts. The majority of the texts are in Sanskrit. Basically, he strengthened the belief of worship of the Lord Vishnu. In addition, Ramanujacharya has been instrumental in a lot of social reforms during the 11th century.

Who is Lord Vishnu?

Lord Vishnu is believed to be the “protector and preserver of the universe” in our Hindu religion.

Immortal teachings of Ramanujacharya

Ramanujacharya’s teachings have had an immense following for the past thousand years. The temple devotees believe in the form of the statue, his teachings will be immortalised for another thousand years.

City of Pearls

The statue will be situated in a 45-acre complex on the outskirts of Hyderabad. The statue was funded by devotees all across the globe. It is believed to be made of 120 kgs of a combination of five metals. The five metals comprise gold, silver, copper, brass, and zinc. The number 120 also signifies the years the saint lived on our planet Earth.

Our honourable President Ram Nath Kovind will unveil the inner chamber of the golden statue on 13 February.

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