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Strange squid seen in the wild for the first time: Watch a video


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Would you like to see a video of a strange squid? Then let’s read along.

Last time, we read about the research ship Falkor finding a new 500-metres-tall coral reef in Australia. This ship is on a year-long exploration of oceans around Australia.

Recently, their underwater has shot the first-ever video of a very rare and strange squid called ram’s horn in the ocean.

The ram’s horn squid is a strange-looking creature. Its shells are commonly found on beaches throughout the world but it is rarely ever seen alive in the ocean.

It is a tiny creature, barely 7 centimetres in length. It has eight arms, two tentacles, a pair of bulging eyes, and a general muppet-like appearance.

This strange squid was captured on video by an underwater robot at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. It was seen quite deep in the ocean. Initially, when the scientists saw the video, they were not sure what the creature was. But later, they figured it out.

The first-ever video of the strange squid is also interesting as it shows the animal floating upside down. It does not behave that way in aquariums.

This is a new mystery for scientists as they don’t understand why it was floating that way.

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