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image depicting Study says pesticides reduce wild bee reproduction by 89%

Study says pesticides reduce wild bees reproduction by 89%

Recommended for Bees

Wild bees

We have read about how important bees are. Bees play a very important role in helping us grow grains and fruits.

Unfortunately, bees are disappearing all over the world and many have become endangered. They are being badly affected by the use of pesticides (chemicals) and habitat loss (loss of their homes).

A new study says that a common pesticide used to kill pests in the soil can badly affect wild bees.

These pesticides are part of a group of pesticides called neonicotinoids. They have been used in farming across the world. This chemical affects the insect nervous system.

What does the study of wild bees show?

The new study says that neonicotinoids badly affect learning and memory, foraging (searching for food) behaviour, and pollination in bees. These pesticides affect only the plants but also the ground where most wild bees build their nests.

Scientists conducted a three-year experiment in Ontario, Canada. They grew squash plants where neonicotinoid pesticides were applied to the seeds and leaves. Then, a type of female wild bee, called Hoary squash bees, was introduced when the plants started flowering.

However, as compared to their usual behaviour, the wild bees exposed to the pesticides created 85% fewer nests. This means they produced 89% fewer offspring (baby bees).

Due to their wild nature, wild insects are far harder to protect than domestic species. So, more effort is required to save them.

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