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image depicting Suez Canal reopens after giant stuck ship is freed

Suez Canal reopens after giant stuck ship is freed


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Suez Canal reopens

Earlier, we read about the ship called Ever Given that got stuck in Egypt’s Suez Canal. After nearly a week, the ship has finally gotten free.

Tug boats honked their horns in celebration as Ever Given was moved. Tug boats are small but powerful boats that can shift large ships.

The ship was shifted by a Dutch specialist team called SMIT. They used 13 tug boats to move the ship. Sand and mud were also dug from beneath the ship.

Suez Canal reopens

Hundreds of ships are waiting to pass through the Suez Canal. Egyptian officials say that it should take about 3 days for all the waiting ships to move. But experts believe this incident will affect global shipping for weeks or even months.

The ship will now undergo safety checks before it can travel again. Authorities are also trying to find out how the incident exactly happened. The ship’s Indian crew of 25 people are doing well. They were praised for their efforts.


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