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Image depicting Sunak Shines at G20 2023!

Sunak Shines at G20 2023!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

A Special Journey: Sunak’s Historic Visit to India

Once upon a time, Rishi Sunak, a man who became the first prime minister of Indian heritage in the United Kingdom, decided to go on a special journey. Think of it like going back to your grandparents’ home where you hear tales of family history and eat your favorite cookies. Sunak’s trip to India is just as emotional and historic. Sunak was welcomed with open arms, like a prodigal son returning home. The best part? He took his wife, Akshata Murty, along, who was born and grew up in India.

The G20 Meeting: A Classroom of World Leaders

You know how your classroom has different kids? Some are good at math, some at art, and some are just fun to be around. The G20 meeting is like a classroom but for countries. They talk about big and important stuff like money, peace, and helping people all over the world. Sunak was super excited to be there because he feels India is like a second home to him.

What Does Sunak Want to Do?

Sunak didn’t just go to India to eat delicious food or take selfies. No, Sunak has important plans. He wants to chat with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi about how the UK and India can work together, sort of like when you and your best friend team up for a project in school. He’s hopeful they’ll come up with an amazing plan to help both countries. But remember, good things take time, like waiting for a plant to grow after you’ve sown the seeds.

Who’s Missing the Party?

Imagine you have a birthday party, but two of your classmates don’t come. That’s what happened here. Some big leaders like Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and President Xi of China didn’t show up. But Sunak believes that the people who do come can make the party great, just like how your birthday can still be fun even if a few friends can’t make it.

Sometimes friendships come with special signs, like sharing a friendship bracelet. Sunak and Modi are talking about a “friendship bracelet” for countries, also known as a trade agreement. Both sides are hopeful, but they’re careful not to rush. After all, making a real friendship bracelet takes time and care, doesn’t it?

A Trip Drenched in History and Emotions

For Sunak, this isn’t just any trip. It’s like flipping through an old family album. It’s full of history, emotions, and meaning. Just as your family history helps make you who you are, this trip is a special chapter in Sunak’s life and for both countries.

And so, curious ones, this was the tale of Rishi Sunak’s special trip to India. It teaches us that good things come when old friends meet, and new plans are made with care and love. Just like in our lives, friendships and dreams make the world go round.

Do-It-Yourself Activity: Word Jumble!

Here’s a fun activity you can do on your phone. Unscramble the words below to learn more about this story!

  1. KNUSA
  2. IDNIA
  3. EDART
  4. 02G

(Scroll down for answers)

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  1. SUNAK
  2. INDIA
  3. TRADE
  4. G20

Did you get them all right? Fantastic! This word jumble is like the story of Sunak and India—once you sort things out, something beautiful emerges.

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