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Supreme Court tells government to restore normal life to Kashmir


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Salutations, little wonderer! Today, we have caring story to share with you about a faraway place called Kashmir.

Once upon a time, there was a special court in India called “The Supreme Court.” They were like the kings and queens of law, and they made important decisions for the whole country. One day, they heard about a place called Kashmir, where things weren’t going so well.

You see, there was a thing called “Article 370,” which made Kashmir a bit different from other parts of India. But one day, the government decided to take away that article, and the people in Kashmir didn’t quite like that. So, there was a lockdown, and things got a little tough for the folks there.

Caring Supreme Court

  • But the Supreme Court came to the rescue! The three wise judges, Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, and Justices S.A. Bobde and S.A. Nazeer, said, “Hey, it’s been 43 days, and we want things to go back to normal in Kashmir.” They wanted the people there to have a good life and access to all the things that make life happy and healthy.
  • The judges also said that some important leaders from Kashmir, like Ghulam Nabi Azad and Yusuf Tarigami, should be able to visit and see how things are going in Srinagar. It’s like if your teacher wanted to know how you and your friends are doing in the classroom.
  • Now, here’s the funny part! The government said that not even a single bullet was fired during this time. Can you believe that? It’s like saying everything was peaceful, even though there were some problems.
  • But you know what? Things are getting better! The government has lifted some restrictions in many places, and newspapers, TV channels, and even pharmacies are working just fine. So, people can read the news, watch their favorite shows, and get the medicine they need.
  • The Supreme Court wanted to make sure everything is going well, so they asked the Attorney General, who is like the government’s helper, to tell them about all the good steps they have taken. It’s like when you ask your parents or teachers to tell you about all the cool things they have done for you.
  • In the end, this story teaches us that even when things are a little tough, there are people who care and want to help. The Supreme Court wanted to make sure everyone in Kashmir is happy and safe, just like how your parents and teachers want the best for you.
  • So, let’s all be kind and caring, just like the Supreme Court judges, and make sure everyone around us is happy too. The end!
  • And that’s our story for today, little buddy! We hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. Remember, it’s always good to be funny and caring, just like our story. Until next time, take care!

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