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The world’s biggest cave is even bigger now


Recommended for Foundational Grades

A team of 3 British divers has discovered that the world’s biggest known cave is even bigger than thought earlier. What did they discover? They […]

Comments: 5
  1. suryassangyinichaudhary says:

    What a nice news. Very excited to learn more about Son Doong cave.

  2. shouryamahamana says:

    what a good news

    • curioustimes says:

      Thanks a lot, Shaurya. We are glad that you liked this news.

      Further to your suggestion on news about the universe, we do give a lot of news pertaining to space and the universe. You may want to try our feature “Search” on the top of the home page and other pages as well. Select key words like space, the universe, NASA, ISRO etc, we are sure that you would find news, which you would like.
      Hope you read about the news about the picture clicked for the most remote object in the space.

      For now, we are waiting for SpaceX to launch their satellites, which got delayed by a few days back.

      Keeping visiting us every day, share your suggestions, ask questions, stay curious!

  3. shouryamahamana says:

    can you give some univers news

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