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image depicting Timelapse video captures Beaver Moon lunar eclipse

Timelapse video captures Beaver Moon lunar eclipse


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

On 19 November, the world experienced the Beaver Moon lunar eclipse.

This was the second lunar eclipse of the year and experts said that it was the longest one in 580 years. It lasted a total of 6 hours and 1 minute. It was visible from some parts of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam in northeastern India. Moreover, people in the US, Northern Europe, East Asia, Australia and the Pacific Ocean region could also see it.

This lunar eclipse was called the Beaver Moon lunar eclipse because the full Moon in November is called the Beaver Moon.


In case you were not lucky enough to see it, you can watch the lunar eclipse again in the video below. The video shows a one-minute timelapse video of the entire lunar eclipse. The video was taken from the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles. In the video, you can see the Moon gradually growing darker and then at its peak (height), turning a slight red.

What is a time-lapse video?

A timelapse video is one made using a technique where frame rates are slowed down. This means the video progresses much faster than in reality. Such videos are filmed over a long period of time and then sped up.

Video credit: VideoFromSpace/Youtube


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