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To predict volcanic eruptions scientists send drones to the sites


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Can one predict volcanic eruptions? Let’s find out.

There are about 300 active volcanoes on Earth currently. If they erupt, it could cause a lot of damage to people and their surroundings.

So, scientists are always keeping them under watch for any signs of an eruption. One of the signs of an eruption is earthquakes in the area before the eruption. Another sign is that a volcano also puts out gases like sulfur dioxide before it erupts.

Recently, they have started using special drones to keep a check on active volcanoes and to predict volcanic eruptions. 

The drones were tested on the Manam volcano in Papua New Guinea. This is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Manam is one of its most active volcanoes.

The test had two types of long-range drones. They were fitted with gas sensors, cameras, and other devices.

The climb up the volcano is very dangerous. So, using drones to study it  and predict volcanic eruptions is much safer.

The drones flew near the volcano and took images of Manam and its two craters. They also measured the gas composition right above the volcanic gases and collected four bags of extra gas for study later.

This study showed how much carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide Manam emits in a day. This will increase if it is about to erupt, giving scientists an advance warning.

The researchers believe the drones could help local communities monitor nearby volcanoes and predict volcanic eruptions in the future. It could also help monitor other hard-to-reach volcanoes like Mayon in the Philippines, and Sinabung in Indonesia.

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