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Image depicting Tribes in a twist: Census confuses ancestors!

Tribes in a twist: Census confuses ancestors!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey there, young explorers! Let’s embark on a interesting journey into the world of census and cultural identities. Hold on tight and get ready for a wild ride!

So, here’s the scoop: a bunch of awesome tribes in the Nilgiris, like the Todas, Kotas, and Kurumbas, have been scratching their heads and asking a puzzling question. They’re wondering why they should identify as Hindu, Christian, or Muslim in the Census. It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole!

One super cool activist named Sobha Madhan, who fights for Adivasi rights, says that these tribes have their own unique ways of worshiping. They’re all about showing love and respect to their ancestors. Instead of calling their sacred spirits “God,” they lovingly refer to them as Ajji, or grandmother. Isn’t that adorable?

Important Details

  • But wait, there’s more! The Badagas, the largest ethno-linguistic group in the Nilgiris, have their own special requests too. These folks follow ancestor worship as their main religious belief and ritual. But guess what? The Census doesn’t even give them the option to register their age-old religion! Talk about being left out of the party.
  • Oh, and get this, the Badagas speak a unique language called Badaga, which is as distinct as a rainbow-colored unicorn. But the Census wants to label their language as “Kannada,” which is like saying a lion is just a fluffy cat. It’s time to set the record straight and make sure the Badagas get their own dictionary and recognition for their incredible language.
  • Our friend Venugopal Dharmalingam, the honorary director of the Nilgiri Documentation Center, has written a letter to Nilgiris MP A. Raja, demanding the due rights of these indigenous communities in the Census. He’s shouting from the mountaintops, “Hey, let the Badagas and other tribes proudly declare their unique religion and language! Don’t keep them hidden in the shadows!”
  • But wait, there’s more to be had! Meet Northay Kuttan, the president of the Nilgiri Primitive Tribal People’s Federation and a member of the awesome Toda Adivasi community. He says that these indigenous groups feel like they’re being ignored. They’ve been around for thousands of years, way longer than those British colonists who just arrived a mere 200 years ago. It’s time to give them the respect they deserve!
  • During the last Census, Mr. Kuttan shares that some entire villages of the Todas and Kotas were not counted properly because they were in hard-to-reach places. And imagine this, the Paniyas, another amazing tribe, regularly move between Kerala and Tamil Nadu. They’re like modern-day nomads! So, the Census needs the help of trusted community leaders who can dance, oops, I mean, assist in counting them accurately.
  • Mr. Kuttan adds that these tribes have not only their own religion but also distinct clans. It’s like having a secret superpower! So, it’s essential to have special provisions in the Census that acknowledge their extraordinary customs and beliefs.
  • Phew! We’ve covered a lot, haven’t we? Just remember, young adventurers, that everyone’s culture and identity deserve to be respected and celebrated. So, let’s join forces and make sure the Nilgiris tribes and their unique traditions shine bright like shooting stars in the Census.
  • Keep exploring and embracing the beautiful diversity of our world!

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