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Image depicting Tweet Tweet! CEO's Ad-tastic Feat!

Tweet Tweet! CEO’s Ad-tastic Feat!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there! Get ready for some interesting news about Twitter! So, here’s the scoop: the big boss of Twitter, Linda Yaccarino, is working really hard to make advertisers come back to the platform.

You know, those cool companies that show their ads on Twitter? Yeah, they left when a guy named Elon Musk was in charge, but now Linda is here to save the day!

Twitter’s Comeback!

  • Linda became the CEO of Twitter on June 5th, and she has some clever plans up her sleeve. One of her ideas is to introduce video ads that take up the whole screen and have sound. Imagine scrolling through your Twitter feed and suddenly a funny video pops up! It’s like having a mini TV show right on your phone!
  • But that’s not all. Linda is also talking to some super smart people at Google, which is owned by Alphabet. They might work together on advertising and share some of Twitter’s data. It’s like teaming up with a friend who knows all the tricks of the trade!
  • Oh, and here’s something really funny. Twitter wants to make friends with some big tech companies like Amazon, Salesforce, and IBM. They want to combine a bunch of contracts into one huge partnership. It’s like playing a game and trying to collect as many points as possible!
  • Now, here comes the important part. Twitter had a tough time when Elon Musk took over. It was like a wild roller coaster ride! They had to let go of many employees, and people got upset about not-so-great stuff showing up on the platform. That made a lot of advertisers leave because they didn’t want their ads to be next to inappropriate content. But don’t worry, Linda is here to fix all that!
  • So, to sum it all up: Twitter’s new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, is working really hard to bring back the advertisers who left when Elon Musk was in charge. She wants to show fun video ads, make friends with Google, and team up with big tech companies. Twitter went through some crazy times, but now they’re ready to bounce back and make everyone laugh and enjoy the platform again!
  • Isn’t it funny how things can change so quickly? Just like a funny joke, Twitter is turning things around and making people smile again. So, keep an eye out for those hilarious video ads and get ready for some awesome tweets on your timeline!

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