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Image depicting UK residents can apply for an e-VISA to India!

UK residents can apply for an e-Visa to India!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, fellow traveler! Did you know that British citizens who want to visit India will soon have a super cool way to get their visa? It’s called an e-Visa, or electronic visa. And guess what? This is the first time they’re doing it since the COVID outbreak in 2020. Let’s find out more about this exciting news!

E-Visa Revolution: Unlock India’s Wonders!

  • An e-Visa is a special kind of visa that is given to people who want to go to India for tourism, business, medical treatment, or short visits to friends and family. It’s not for any other reason or activity, like becoming a superhero or searching for buried treasure. Sorry!

  • Before this e-Visa thingy, travellers had to plan their trips to India three to four months in advance or even postpone them. But now, with the new electronic visa, things will be much easier and faster. Hooray!

  • The High Commissioner of India, who is like the boss in charge of important things, said that the e-Visa will make it super duper easy for people from the United Kingdom to go to India. So, if you’re dreaming of exploring the beautiful Taj Mahal or trying yummy Indian food, it’ll be a piece of cake!

  • Don’t worry, my friend. Even with this new e-Visa, all the other services, like getting your visa sent to your home, will still be available. They want to make sure everyone has a fantastic time in India!

  • Now that getting a visa will be easier, the authorities believe that more people will want to visit India. And you know what that means, right? It means more fun, more adventures, and more memories to cherish!

  • Oh boy, winter is just around the corner, and during this time, people from both countries love to travel and celebrate their traditional festivals. The authorities at the Embassy are excitedly looking forward to a joyful winter season with lots of happy travellers.

Key facts

  • Did you know that Indian citizens account for 39% of all the visas issued by the British High Commission in India? That’s a whole lot of people ready for an amazing journey!

  • The British High Commission granted over a million student visas to Indian nationals in the year that ended in September 2022. That’s a huge increase compared to the number of student visas granted in 2019. It’s like they’re all super eager to study and explore the UK!

  • Indian citizens also received the highest number of study, work, and visitor visas from the United Kingdom, according to UK Immigration Statistics. They really love exploring new opportunities!

  • Guess what? India has even surpassed China in becoming the nation whose citizens are granted the most sponsored study visas in the United Kingdom. They’re setting new records!

  • The United Kingdom and India are also in the process of negotiating a free trade agreement. It’s like they’re becoming the best of buddies, exchanging goods and building stronger relationships.

  • So, my young friend, with this e-Visa, the world is opening up for travellers like you. Get ready for fantastic adventures and exciting journeys to India!

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Youtube user “KhAnubis” explains Travel Visas.

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