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Ukrainian woman receives Fields Medal in Mathematics!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Maryna Viazovska is chosen as one of four winners of the prestigious Fields Medal 2022. Four additional mathematicians have won the Fields Medal. Maryna is a mathematician from Ukraine.

Every four years, a mathematician under the age of 40 can win the Fields Medal. Ms Viazovska is being awarded the medal for her work on spheres in eight dimensions.

What is the Fields Medal?

The Fields Medal is given to mathematicians for outstanding research.

Winners of the Fields Medal 2022!

  • The other three winners are Hugo Duminil-Copin, James Maynard, and June Huh.
  • Hugo Duminil-Copin is a mathematician from France. He works at the University of Geneva. He won the Fields Medal for figuring out how to solve problems in Probability.
  • June Huh – a Korean and American – works at Princeton University. He got the highest honours in his field for his work on algebraic geometry and combinatorics are related.
  • James Maynard is a British mathematician who works at the University of Oxford. For his work in number theory, he won the Fields Medal this year.

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Watch a video

Check out Ms Viazovska’s thoughts in this short clip shared by the International Mathematical Union.

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