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Image depicting UN claims ozone hole will heal by 2066!

UN claims ozone hole will heal by 2066!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The United Nations (UN) says that the ozone layer is slowly getting better. It is estimated that the hole will close by 2066.

The United Nations published a scientific report that says the planet’s protective ozone layer is slowly but steadily getting better.

The analysis shows that the ozone layer is healing at a rate that would give it about forty years to completely fix the hole over Antarctica.

Scientists and environmentalists from all over the world have praised the achievement.

The Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987 to safeguard the ozone layer. It caused a group of chemicals that are often used in refrigerants and aerosols to be banned.

Key facts!

  • The analysis shows that it will take until about 2040 for the average amount of ozone to return to what it was in 1980 before it started to thin.
  • Also, the Arctic layer won’t be back to how it was before 2045.
  • The situation in Antarctica, where the ice layer is so thin that a huge hole opens up every year, won’t be fixed until 2066.
  • Experts think that the steps taken to stop ozone depletion can be used as a model for stopping climate change.
  • Secondly, they show what can and must be done right away to move away from fossil fuels.
  • Lastly, to cut down on greenhouse gases and keep temperature rises to a minimum.
  • The experts at the UN think that the recovery numbers have become a lot more stable.
  • At the moment, there are fewer of the two main compounds that break down ozone.
  • The study says that the amount of chlorine and bromine has stopped going up.
  • Also, the fact that their levels are slowly going down shows that the Montreal Protocol is working.

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Watch a video

Sir David Attenborough narrates the fascinating backstory of the Montreal Protocol.

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