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UN peacekeeping mission appoints Indian Officer as Commander


Recommended for Middle Grades

We’ve got an exciting story for you about a superhero of peacekeeping! So, on May 25th, 2019, something super cool happened. It was the International Day of UN Peacekeepers, and guess what?

The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, did something really awesome. He appointed an Indian Army officer named Lieutenant General Shailesh Tinaikar as the new Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). Can you believe it? Lieutenant General Tinaikar must be a real-life superhero!

Important Details

  • But wait, let’s learn a bit more about Lieutenant General Tinaikar. He graduated from the Indian Military Academy, which is like a school for brave soldiers. And you know what? He’s so good at what he does that he even received two special medals called the Sena Medal and the Vishisht Seva Medal. Wow, those must be shiny and impressive!
  • Now, let us tell you why this is such a big deal. The United Nations is like a team of superheroes who help countries that are fighting or having conflicts. They want to bring peace to those places and make everyone happy. And UNMISS, where Lieutenant General Tinaikar will be working, is the second biggest peacekeeping operation of the whole United Nations. That’s pretty important stuff!
  • Here’s a fun fact: India is the fourth largest contributor of uniformed personnel to the UN peacekeeping missions. That means India sends lots of brave soldiers to help out all around the world. Right now, they have more than 6,400 military and police superheroes working in places. Such as Abyei, Cyprus, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Lebanon, the Middle East, South Sudan, and Western Sahara. That’s a lot of places!
  • So, what can we infer from all of this? Well, Lieutenant General Tinaikar is a real-life superhero. He is going to lead a big team in South Sudan to bring peace to the people there. And India is a really important country that helps the United Nations with their peacekeeping missions. It does so by sending lots of amazing soldiers.
  • Isn’t it cool how people from all around the world work together to make the world a better place? Maybe one day, you could be a superhero too and help bring peace to the world. Just remember to eat your veggies and listen to your teachers for now, okay? Stay super, friends!

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Check out a video that explains the incredible work of UN peacekeepers!

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