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Secret penguin colony puzzles experts!

Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Researchers discover a penguin colony from orbit that had been kept secret and had never before been seen. A breeding colony of Emperor Penguins in the West Antarctic was uncovered by satellite photographs.

What is an emperor penguin?

The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest penguin species that is still alive. It is only found in Antarctica.

The images showed waste stains on the snow and ice of that region. The colony is estimated to be home to approximately 1,000 adult birds.

These birds are organised into 500 pairs with their young. This makes it a relatively small breeding location for an emperor penguin.

Key facts!

  • The researchers were examining images of melting sea ice taken by the European Space Agency’s satellites.
  • They noticed the indicators of an emperor penguin colony.
  • On the ice, they noticed something that looked like a very small dark stain.
  • Higher-resolution photographs of the same area confirmed the presence of the breeding colony in West Antarctica.
  • The photographs also showed individual emperor penguins.
  • The colonies of Emperor penguins are frequently located in inaccessible areas, making them challenging for researchers to study.
  • However, over the past 15 years, scientists have uncovered dozens of these colonies in satellite pictures of Antarctica’s coastline.
  • Emperor penguins never reproduce anywhere other than on densely packed sea ice.
  • The fact that penguins are dependent on sea ice, however, leaves them susceptible to ice melting as a result of climate change.
  • Emperor penguins are the largest and heaviest of all penguins.
  • They can grow to be up to 39 inches tall and can weigh up to 45 kilogrammes.
  • Their name comes from the striking contrast between their black, white, and yellow plumage.
  • The majority of the Antarctic summer is spent by emperor penguins diving for fish, crabs, and krill.

National Geographic shares information about Emperor Penguin.

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