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Image depicting unique frog species called Diane’s bare-hearted glass frog.

Unique frog species in amazing animals: Diane’s bare-hearted glass frog


Recommended for Foundational Grades

We have read about unique animals such as the pangolin, the pigmy hog, etc. Today, we will read about a unique frog species called the Diane’s bare-hearted glass frog.

Why is this frog called so?

The frog’s belly skin is see-through, which means, you can see all its organs from underneath! It has also been named ‘Diane’ after the mother of the lead scientist of the group who discovered it.

What do we know about this curious-looking frog?

  • Its scientific name is Hyalinobatrachium dianae and it is a type of glass frog.
  • The Diane’s bare-hearted glass frog is green in colour and is very tiny (about 1 inch in size!).
  • Their call also sounds more like insects than frogs.
  • Diane’s bare-hearted glass frogs are found in the rain forests of Costa Rica, South America.

This unique frog species was discovered in 2015 and became very famous, also because it resembles a certain famous puppet frog, called Kermit the frog (see image below).

Do you think they look alike? Tell us what you think.

Kermit the Frog

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Credit: Atu

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Comments: 2
  1. AshlayRajesh says:

    It i s amazing!! How are there animals like thees in nature??!! actually really impressive!!omg !!!!?!howhowhow????

  2. hemanth_supercurious says:

    cool a see througt frog

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