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Image depicting Uttarakhand now has over a hundred snow leopards!

Uttarakhand now has over a hundred snow leopards!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

There are now more than 100 snow leopards living in the wild in Uttarakhand. The number of snow leopards in Uttarakhand has reached a new high of 121, according to the most recent census.

The snow leopard is also called the ghost of the mountains.

Snow leopards can be found in a total of 12 countries across the globe. These include India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, Mongolia, Russia, Pakistan and a few others.

Key facts!

  • In the state, a total of 86 snow leopards were counted during the most recent census of their kind, which took place six years ago.
  • The Forest Department and the Wildlife Institute of India worked together on the census.
  • The results seem promising.
  • There are only 12 places in the world where the snow leopard lives, and India is one of them.
  • The Forest Minister of Uttarakhand expressed his happiness over the results of the census.
  • He said that the conservation of wildlife in the state is headed in the right direction.
  • It will give further momentum to wildlife tourism.

Watch this video to learn more about snow leopards:

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