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Image depicting Vast Megalithic Site Emerges: Kerala!

Vast Megalithic Site Emerges: Kerala!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Great Hat Stone Hullabaloo in Kerala!

Once Upon a Time in Kerala…

It all began when some folks were working on a pipeline. Instead of the regular dirt and rocks, they stumbled upon a fantastic hidden world. Imagine accidentally discovering a treasure chest when you’re just trying to plant a tree in your backyard. This treasure was an ancient site near a place called Tirunavaya in Kerala.

A Glimpse into the Past

This wasn’t just any site. It was a massive area with big, hat-shaped stones known as Thoppikkallu. These “hats” were old, like 2,000 years old! Imagine, these stones were used as lids for ancient pots when our ancestors from a long time ago wanted to keep their things safe. It’s like finding old lunch boxes, but instead of sandwiches, they held history!

The Whoopsie Daisy Moments

Now, here’s the twist. Many people living around this site didn’t realize these hat stones were like historic celebrities. So, when they wanted to build their houses or do some gardening, they accidentally damaged or threw away some of these stones. It’s like accidentally using a rare comic book as wrapping paper because you didn’t know its worth!

Calling the History Detectives

Mr. Krishnaraj, a top-notch archaeologist (think of him as a detective for old stuff), led a team to explore this hidden treasure. They found so many unique things! Special pots that looked different than other old pots and even a rock-cut cave with unique designs. It’s like going to your grandma’s attic and finding out she was a secret agent with a stash of cool gadgets!

Ashes, Ashes, But Not Dust to Dust

Inside these pots and under the hat stones, there weren’t any sandwiches. They found ashes, but these weren’t ordinary ashes. Mr. Krishnaraj said these ashes were special. This is where it gets mysterious and exciting!

The Villagers Have Spoken!

People living around Tirunavaya were both excited and a little embarrassed. They were thrilled because, well, who doesn’t want to live near a hidden treasure? But also, oops, they might have accidentally broken a piece of history! Now they all agree on one thing: Their lovely village should get the VIP treatment and be called a “heritage village.”

Hats Off to Heritage

A wise teacher and lover of old things, Salman Karimbanakkal, voiced what many felt, “The government should honor Tirunavaya’s history by making it super special.”

The Grand Takeaway

Tirunavaya has become the talk of the town, or rather, the state! It reminds us that sometimes, history isn’t just in the books. It might be under our feet, waiting to be discovered. So, next time you’re gardening or digging around, keep an eye out. Who knows? You might find a little piece of the past waiting to tell its story.

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