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Watch a video: 10-storey-tall building built in one day


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Building a house or office takes time, at least months. But not for this building!

Recently, a company built a 10-storey-tall building in Changsha, China in 28 hours and 45 minutes. That is a day and few hours!

A Chinese company called Broad Group created the building. It is a house meant for people to live in.

How did they manage to do this?

By using a technology where you build the building in parts, separately, at a factory. Then, these parts are taken to the main site and placed on top of one another. After that, they are bolted into place safely. And then, the company adds electricity and water connections.

Another great thing about this kind of building is that it can be taken down and moved to another place very easily. The company said that it is also very strong and can withstand earthquakes.

You can see it all in the video below:

Video credit: BROAD Group/Youtube


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Constructing houses and buildings is not easy but human beings have been doing them for thousands of years. This is even before the modern technology we use today. It just shows how far we have come and where we can go even further. Do keep following Curious Times for more such amazing videos that show the marvels of the modern world today.

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