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Image depicting Watch a video: Wally the Walrus "drives" a boat in his latest adventure

Watch a video: Wally the Walrus “drives” a boat in his latest adventure


Recommended for Foundational Grades

A while ago, we read about Wally the Walrus, who has been seen in Wales (in the UK). People saw it swimming around, showing off its belly and even waving to cameras. It even tried to come on board a fishing boat.

What is a walrus?

A walrus is a large sea animal with flippers and tusks. Walruses are usually found in the Arctic Ocean.

Wally is still being naughty, it seems. The latest video shows the walrus appearing to drive a boat he got into during his latest adventure.

Experts believe that Wally is around four years old and has come from Svalbard, north of Norway. Now, after Wales, he has also travelled to England and France. Now, he is in Ireland. During his visit here, he has sunk a small boat and damaged a few others too.

How to keep Wally the Walrus out of trouble

Now, a wildlife organisation called Seal Rescue Ireland wants to get a pontoon ( a type of floating platform or boat) for Wally to rest undisturbed. It seems he enjoys touching boats and so, a pontoon will keep him out of trouble.

Watch Wally the Walrus in the video below. Video credit: SWNS/Youtube


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