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Image depicting Why does Lebanon have two time zones?

Why does Lebanon have two time zones?


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Have you ever heard of Daylight Saving Time? This is when we move the clock one hour forward in the summer and one hour back in the winter. But did you know that not every country follows this rule? Recently, Lebanon had a disagreement about Daylight Saving Time that has left them with two different time zones! Let’s learn more about it.

Important Details

  • Lebanon is a Middle Eastern country that has elected to observe Daylight Saving Time this year.
  • However, several citizens in the country objected to this decision and wished to maintain the original time zone.
  • This led to a dispute that resulted in two different time zones within Lebanon.
  • The capital city of Beirut and other areas will follow Daylight Saving Time, while other regions will keep the original time.
  • This has caused a lot of confusion, especially for people who live near the border between the two time zones.

Wrap up

To sum up, Daylight Saving Time is a controversial issue, and not all nations observe it. Because of the disagreement over this matter, Lebanon now has two time zones. Keeping track of time zones and any alterations that may effect us is crucial.

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