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image depicting Woman’s own immune system cures her of HIV

Woman’s own immune system cures her of HIV


Recommended for Secondary Grades

What is HIV? HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) is an infection that causes AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome).

What is AIDS?

AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a condition in humans in which the immune system fails gradually and cannot fight infections. This allows life-threatening infections and cancers to grow.

There is no cure for HIV. But today, with the advancement in medicine, people with HIV can live long and healthy lives. Scientists are also working on a vaccine for it.

In a rare case, a woman from Argentina seems to have gotten cured of HIV. And this is without using medical treatment. She is known only as the “Esperanza patient” in order to protect her privacy.

Doctors have run tests on more than a billion of her cells but have not found the infection. They believe that the patient’s immune system removed the virus by itself.

Other similar cases

This is the second case of such an incident in the world. Scientists are hoping that a study of it can help us understand how to cure HIV. Moreover, it also proves that some people are born with the ability to resist HIV.

According to the United Nations, nearly 38 million people worldwide are living with HIV and 680,000 have died from AIDS-related illnesses. So, such cases can provide hope for many people.


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