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Women Empowerment: Bamboo Lanterns Illuminate Christmas


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The Magical Lantern Makers

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The Bright Idea

Once upon a time, in the serene village of Dasanapura in Karnataka, a group of creative women embarked on a unique journey. These women, with skilled hands and bright minds, transformed ordinary bamboo into enchanting lanterns.

These lanterns weren’t just simple decorations; they were meant to hold fairy lights that would bring the sparkle of distant stars right into your homes during the festive season of Christmas. Each lantern, crafted with care and affection, promised to add a special twinkle to the celebrations.

Meet Jayamma, the Lantern Queen

In this group of talented women, Jayamma, aged 35, stood out with her exceptional skills. A homemaker by day, Jayamma transformed into a lantern-making expert by night. Her journey began when she joined the Karnataka-based Mahila Swasahaya Mutual Benefit Trust.

This wasn’t just a team; it was a family of women empowering each other. Initially, Jayamma crafted mats, but her curiosity and eagerness to learn led her to master the art of lantern making.

Through a three-month training, she expanded her skills, learning to create not just lanterns, but also baskets, lampshades, and many other beautiful bamboo products.

Colors and Shapes

The lanterns these women created were a feast for the eyes. They shimmered in vibrant hues of green, red, orange, and natural tones, each color telling its own story. The shapes were equally diverse – from spheres that mimicked the full moon to tiny cylinders that resembled mystical artifacts.

Each lantern was a piece of art, reflecting the joy and dedication of the women who made them. As these lanterns held the fairy lights, they transformed homes into magical places, filled with warmth and the gentle glow of a starlit sky.

Lighting Up Lives

Before discovering the art of lantern making, many women in Dasanapura spent their days working as laborers in fields and forests. Now, their skilled hands transform bamboo into enchanting lanterns.

Each lantern they craft not only brings light to others’ homes but also illuminates their own lives with new possibilities and financial independence. This transformation from laborers to artisans marks a significant shift in their journey towards self-reliance and empowerment.

Learning and Leading

Remya Devan, the proactive director of Industree Foundation, plays a pivotal role in this transformation. She has been instrumental in gathering these women, especially those from remote areas, and guiding them to form their own enterprise, the Mahila Swasahaya Mutual Benefit Trust.

Here, women not only learn new skills but also grasp the nuances of market dynamics. They transition from learners to leaders, managing their collective and making decisions that shape their future.

Remya’s efforts in educating them about market trends and soft skills have been crucial in this journey of empowerment.

The Power of Bamboo

The women of Dasanapura are now unlocking the potential of bamboo, a resource abundantly available in India. By focusing on bamboo, they are tapping into a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to wood. This not only aids in preserving the environment but also provides them with a steady source of income.

Soya Thomas, a senior consultant at Industree, highlights how the Mahila Swasahaya MBT is making strides in the bamboo value chain, ensuring the availability of sustainable products for environmentally conscious consumers.

These women are not just creating products; they are actively participating in a movement that promotes sustainability and eco-consciousness.

A Festival of Lights and Hope

As the festive season approaches, the women of Dasanapura immerse themselves in the creation of enchanting bamboo lanterns. Their skilled hands work diligently, crafting each piece with care and precision.

The demand for these fairy lights soars as Christmas nears, filling the air with excitement and anticipation. The women, once unfamiliar with the craft, now expertly shape bamboo into beautiful, gleaming holders that capture the essence of joy and celebration.

A Dream for the Future

Jayamma, a beacon of inspiration in the collective, harbors aspirations that extend beyond the festive season. She envisions a future where their craftsmanship diversifies, embracing an array of products that can touch different aspects of people’s lives.

This dream fuels her dedication, as she works tirelessly to refine her skills. Her eyes sparkle with pride, not just for the income she earns but for the independence and respect she garners.

Every lantern she crafts is a step towards a brighter future for her family.

Lighting Up Their World

Each lantern sold weaves a thread of hope into the lives of these women. This endeavor is more than a means to earn; it’s a path to empowerment and self-sufficiency. The women engage in every step of the process, from selecting the bamboo to the final touches on the lanterns.

This involvement instills a sense of ownership and pride in their work. As their lanterns light up homes across the country, they also illuminate a path towards a better, more empowered life for themselves and their families.

Through their dedication and skill, these women from Karnataka aren’t just crafting lanterns; they’re sculpting a future where their dreams and aspirations shine as brightly as the fairy lights they create.

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