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Image depicting World Hemophilia Day!

World Hemophilia Day!


Recommended for April

World Hemophilia Day is celebrated every year on April 17th to raise awareness about hemophilia. It is a rare bleeding disorder that affects people all over the world.

This day is dedicated to people with hemophilia and their families. They work hard to manage the condition and live normal lives.

Important Details

  • Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that affects the blood’s ability to clot properly.
  • This can cause excessive bleeding and bruising.
  • People with hemophilia are more prone to bleeding, especially in the joints and muscles.
  • As a result, the condition can cause pain and damage to their bodies over time.
  • Hemophilia is a lifelong condition that has no cure!
  • However, it can be managed with proper treatment and care.
  • On this day, people all over the world come together to show their support for hemophillia patients.
  • They also raise funds for research and treatment.
  • By educating people about hemophilia and supporting research and treatment, we can help people with hemophilia live full and active lives.

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Watch a video

The Youtube Channel “Conference Series” shares information about Hemophilia condition.

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