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World Pangolin Day


Recommended for Foundational Grades

World Pangolin Day

Do you know about pangolins?

Pangolins are the only mammals in the world who are fully covered in scales. Mammals are animals that give birth to live babies, not eggs. They also feed their babies on milk from their own body.

Every year, World Pangolin Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of February. This year, that day falls on 20 February.

Pangolins are found in parts of Africa and Asia. They eat ants, helping to control insect populations.

Today, pangolins are highly endangered. This means they are very few in number. They are often taken from the jungle and sold secretly, which is wrong.

We celebrate World Pangolin Day to let people know about the importance of the pangolin. This is also a day to encourage everyone to help fight to save the animal.

Watch a video of pangolins. Video credit: Animalogic/Youtube


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