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President Xi Jinping begins 3rd term!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Xi Jinping enters his third and last term as president of China. The National People’s Congress (NPC) voted to endorse Mr Xi who is 69 years old.

The National People’s Congress (NPC) is a law-making body and, according to the People’s Republic of China’s constitution, the highest state authority.

Key facts!

  • The National People’s Congress has nearly 2,900 members.  They voted in favour of Xi’s reappointment.
  • Importantly, none of them refrained from the vote or voted against Xi Jinping.
  • Thus, on March 10, 2023, Xi Jinping was formally reappointed to his position as President for a third and final term of five years.
  • Political analysts believe that his re-appointment highlights Xi’s unchallenged control and the return of one-man rule to China.
  • From a historical perspective, Mr Xi’s predecessors, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao served two terms as  leaders of the People’s Republic of China.
  • The National People’s Congress (NPC) also approved a comprehensive plan to restructure the government in going ahead with some of Mr Xi’s most important policy goals.
    • Firstly, this includes a reorganisation of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
      • This would be done to move quicker towards greater self-reliance in science and technology.
    • Secondly, a brand new National Financial Regulatory Administration will facilitate a stricter management of the country’s financies.
    • Thirdly, a new National Data Bureau will be responsible for overseeing all data-related institutions as well as the resources pertaining to data.
  • Analysts feel that this reform had brought back closer Communist Party oversight over government bodies.

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