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Image depicting Yamuna rises, families move!

Yamuna rises, families move!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Oh boy, have you heard the news of flood from India? In the capital city, Delhi, there was a big flood that caused lots of trouble! The government had to evacuate thousands of people, close all the schools and colleges, and tell everyone to stay at home.

The flood happened because a river in Delhi called the Yamuna overflowed. It spilled over its banks and flooded homes and roads. Can you imagine having water in your house? Yikes! The flooding was so bad that even the subway system had to be shut down. And you know what that means? No train rides for a while!

Flood Fury: Delhi’s Watery Woes

  • We think the flood happened because there was a lot of rain in northern India. Many rivers were swollen because of the heavy rain. It’s like the sky couldn’t stop pouring water! The flood caused a lot of destruction and sadly, almost 100 people lost their lives. That’s really sad, and it’s important to be careful around floods.
  •  The Chief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal, said that the water level was rising very fast. He asked everyone to stay home as much as possible. The government made more than 2,000 shelters for people who had to leave their homes because of the flood. By Thursday afternoon, about 16,000 people had been evacuated.
  • The water level in the Yamuna river reached a height that hadn’t been seen in 45 years. Can you believe that? It was higher than a giraffe’s neck! The flood also caused a problem with the city’s drinking water because some water treatment plants got flooded. That means there might not be enough clean water for the people in Delhi.
  • Flooding is not a new problem for Delhi and other cities in India. They have to deal with it almost every year during the rainy season. But this year’s rain was extra special—it broke a 40-year record! Some people say that global warming and climate change are making these crazy weather events happen more often.
  • So, my little friend, remember to stay safe when there’s a flood. Listen to the authorities and don’t go near the water. And let’s hope that the people in Delhi can dry out their homes and get everything back to normal soon. It’s always good to find the funny side of things, even in tough times!

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