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Image depicting Yamuna's water rises, stay safe!

Yamuna’s water rises, stay safe!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, curious mind! We have some serious news to share with you! So, in Delhi, there’s this super long river called the Yamuna, and guess what? Over the past three days, it has been acting really, really crazy! The water level of the Yamuna River has been rising like crazy! It’s been going up, up, up!

Now, the Delhi Police, being the super smart guys they are, got a little worried about this whole situation. They thought, “Hmm, maybe we should do something to keep everyone safe.” So, they decided to use something called Section 144 CrPC. It’s like a special rule that the police can use to keep things in order during emergencies.

The police imposed this Section 144 CrPC thing in the flood-prone areas of Delhi. You know, those places that are most likely to get flooded when the river gets all wild. They wanted to be extra careful and make sure nobody gets in danger.

Yamuna River’s Deluge: Record-breaking Floods in Delhi!

  • The Yamuna River rose so high that it reached its highest level ever recorded in the last 45 years! It went all the way up to 207.25 meters! That’s like a giant tower made of water! It’s so crazy that it hasn’t been that high since 2013.
  • The Delhi government got really worried about this whole situation too. They gave a warning to everyone about the floods and even sent special teams. The National Disaster Response Force and the State Disaster Response Force are ready to help if things get even crazier.
  • People who live in areas close to the Yamuna river were told to move to safer places. They didn’t want anyone getting stuck in all that water. The Old Railway Bridge, where people usually walk or drive, had to be closed because of the flooding.
  • To make matters even more interesting, the Okhla Barrage gates were opened. Why, you ask? Well, they wanted to release some of the extra water from the river. It’s like letting the water out of a giant bathtub to avoid it overflowing!
  • The weather people, known as the India Meteorological Department, said that there’s more rain expected in the upper areas where the Yamuna river starts. So, guess what? The water level might go even higher in Delhi!
  • But don’t worry, my little buddy, the authorities have got your back. They don’t want you going near those low-lying areas along the Yamuna river. Just keep an eye on the weather forecast. So, my friend, keep those rain boots ready and stay away from the crazy waters. Listen to the police and the government’s instructions.

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