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You can help NASA drive the Curiosity rover on Mars


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NASA’s Curiosity rover is currently on Mars, exploring the planet. Now, you can also help guide the Curiosity rover around sand traps, sharp rocks and other obstacles on Mars!

NASA has introduced a new online tool called AI4Mars, hosted on Zooniverse.

It is asking the public to help map Curiosity’s routes on Mars, using AI4Mars, by drawing borders around the surroundings in the images and assigning labels (names) to them.

The tool has images of Mars taken by Curiosity as well as previous rovers like Opportunity. It will also soon feature other languages such as Spanish, Hindi and Japanese.

AI4Mars is a form of “machine learning” that allows Curiosity’s drivers (on Earth) to train the rover’s intelligence for safe route planning.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is an application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that provides systems with the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience.

A route on Mars

Finding a good route to explore on Mars is not very easy. A typical rover drive takes about four to five hours to plan. It has to be checked by computer engineers, geologists, and many more people. So, if the area is already labelled, it will save them time.

This tool will also be very useful for the Perseverance rover, which NASA is launching in July 2020.

Here is a video of the Curiosity rover taking amazing photos on Mars. Video credit: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Youtube


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The mission to Mars is one of the most interesting things happening in space technology today. Many other governments and private companies are trying to find new ways of exploring the Red Planet. With Mars sharing a few similarities to Earth, scientists and researchers are excited about the possibility of travelling and perhaps living on Mars someday. Keep reading Curious Times for fascinating updates on space news for kids. 

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